API II Company History

Following the January 2008 decision by the owners of American Polymers Inc. (API) to cease operations of this privately held producer of polystyrene and plastics distributor, three key employees, Michael Skehan, Leo McCrann and Bill Ferrell joined forces with Rick Pyle, owner of Indiana Polymers Inc., to form API II, Inc. The partners in this new venture average over 30 years experience in the plastics industry and strive to provide value and service to both customers and suppliers.

In the year 2020 Rick retired, and in 2021 Leo made the same decision. Their mission had been accomplished, as they were successful in guiding the company from its startup in 2008 and through COVID-19. Thankfully, they have left API II on a strong foundation, both financially and with strong relationships with suppliers and customers alike.
API II, Inc. emphasizes a private label branded product line with properties similar to what the former API customers were processing. Whether you are discussing an API II Branded product, a generic prime resin, a wide spec resin or regrind, your discussion is still with an owner of API II, Inc. 

API II Mission Statement

API II, Inc. is a responsible sales organization that distributes resin and partners with suppliers and customers alike. We assist our suppliers through approvals and purchases. We work with our customers to help them achieve their goals. The success of our suppliers and customers has, and will continue to, propel our growth.

The API II Partners

Michael J. Skehan

Executive VP-American Polymers Inc., Application Development Engineer, TS Representative-Borg-Warner Chemicals, Field Sales-Hammond Plastics, division of Carl Gordon Industries.

William J. Ferrell

Sales Manager-American Polymers Inc., Sales and Marketing Manager-Custom Molders Corp., District Manager-General Polymers, division of Ashland Chemical